So today, Michael is 9 months old! We just got back from his check up at the Pediatrician's office. He was smiling for all the nurses there! I know it sounds cliche to say "time flies" but it really does. I can't believe it has been 9 months! I have LOVED every minute of being home with him. (I am so grateful to be employed by a company that allows for extended maternity leave). I would not trade this time for all the money in the world.
Last night, I spent a good part of the evening packing up his newborn gear. I made a trip to U-Haul and bought a wardrobe box, figuring it should be big enough. Chris disassembled the swing for me and I began to pack away all the gear that we used after we brought him home from the hospital. It was sad to be packing it all away, but happy because this means he is growing and developing as he should be! And I know one day, down the road, I will be unpacking all of it again for the next baby.
The box is super full: the swing, the Bumbo, the floor activity mat, the Baby Bjorn's, the papasan, the crib mobile. All of these items were priceless to us in the first few months. I've attached a picture of Michael in his papasan seat. He was about 3 months old here.
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