Friday, February 26, 2010

The Cuteness Factor

I was on the phone this morning catching up with a friend, whom I had not spoken with in a few weeks. The time was getting right by me without me even noticing. Michael was playing with various toys and stuff around so he was having a fun time. Then I picked him up and he laid his little head on my shoulder and almost fell asleep, instantaneously, on my shoulder! Poor babe! He was so ready for his nap, it was so sweet.

The cuteness factor was super high this morning!

This was a picture I got of him yesterday, as usual, he was on the go!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stroller riding in comfort

This was taken yesterday while Michael and I were at the mall in Reno. As you can see, he got himself super comfortable in his Bob jogger.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

High 5's

While I was out skiing, and freezing my tush off today at Squaw Valley, Chris was at home with Michael. Chris taught Michael how to give "High 5's!" I love it! When I got home, he showed me and it is just so darn cute. Last weekend, all in the same day, Michael started clapping and waving. It is amazing to see him do these things. These are the little things in life that make life special!

I've included 2 new pics that I took from my cell phone on Saturday. At the top of a lift, I had a beautiful view of Lake Tahoe.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The tired one

My last two posts have begun with "The" so I thought I would continue the trend tonight.

I have been staying up too late over the last couple of nights reading that I am not getting enough sleep to keep up with Michael during the day. I know I need to go to bed earlier, but I am into these murder mystery books that are just so hard to put down!

One of my sorority girlfriends suggested the book: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. It was so good I read it in about a week. It turns out that it is the first book in a trilogy, which I was thrilled to find out! Now, I am onto the second book: The Girl Who Played with Fire.

I usually read novels, not murder mysteries, but these are fascinating reads. I highly recommend them! I am thinking of hiding the book from myself tonight so I can get some sleep. We are skiing again this weekend so I need some rest!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The old soul

We went into Reno today for Michael's Gymboree class and lunch at Whole Foods. As we were sitting in the cafe area at Whole Foods, eating chicken, green beans, and mac & cheese, we were approached by an elderly Asian man. He came over to tell me, "Your son has an old soul and will grow up to be a Saint one day." OK. Maybe. Time will tell!

For those of you who have been around Michael, you know that he is a thinker, a watcher, he contemplates. It takes him good 10 minutes to warm up to anyone new before he flashes a pearly and gummy smile. So this man's comments did not surprise me. I thought it was kind and nice of him to say.

I guess, time will only tell.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The brave one

On Sunday night, up in the cabin in Tahoe, Chris spotted a pretty decent sized spider on the top edge of a picture hanging in the dining room area. On recent visits up there, I have noticed more spider webs. The webs don't surprise me, it is cold outside and these little spiders want to get where it is warm. They are usually tiny enough to slip through cracks in the doors/foundation. So when Chris spots it, the whole house must come to a freezing halt. I am then instructed to bring him a towel so he can kill the spider. It is almost as if he takes his eyes off the spider it is going to make like Usain Bolt and dash out of sight. No, this spider just sat on it's tush while I retrieved the towel.

Chris then swatted at it, 5 feet away, while Michael and I looked on. It got away.

Chris, bless him, was determined to squash this little thing so he looked all around the picture, on the floor, walls, etc. and he found it hiding on the picture frame, on the back side.

Next set of instructions: "Molly, slowly lift off the picture frame from the wall." Great, so I get to get bitten by the spider. I bravely grasped the edges of the picture frame and gently lifted it off the wall. Chris spotted it, on the back of the frame near the edge where my hand was. So I placed the frame on the floor so Chris could work his towel magic. Thanks goodness I did not get bitten! Chris would have never heard the end of that one!

This whole episode reminded me of when we were training back in VA Beach for the Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon. We were running in Sea Shore State Park. It is a well traveled park running and biking path and up ahead, Chris spots a large dog. Chris makes his way around me so that I am the one in between him and the dog.

Who is the brave one? You can just call me Superwoman.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Countdown Clock

So if you are interested in knowing how much longer we will be in Fallon, I have added a countdown clock. Look immediately to your left on the screen. Click on the link and a pop up window will appear. As of today, 41 more days!

Monday, February 8, 2010

45 day countdown!

So we officially have a move date! 45 days from now we will be heading down to NAS Lemoore, CA. I am so excited! I would like to say, "I wish it were here already." But whenever I think a thought like that I hear my Mom saying to me: "Molly, don't wish your life away!"

I know, I know. Enjoy the day. Make every day count. But when you live in what feels like the middle of nowhere, somedays it is just so easy to wish away these next 45 days.

The guy from the moving company is coming out on Wednesday to do the moving estimate, which means we are getting one step closer to the move!

Super Bowl weekend

Chris and I made it back to Fallon (from Tahoe) in enough time on Sunday to catch the Super Bowl on TV. We watch it more for the commercials than the game as we are just not pro-football fans. Cheering for the UF Gators is about all the football energy we can expend. The Tim Tebow commercial got a LOT of pre-game hype and it was really underwhelming. I was expecting a little more controversy, based on all of the hype. I thought it was well done. Point made.

The best part of the Super Bowl for me was at the end. The Saints won and they were showing post-game footage. The Saints QB, Drew Brees was shown holding his infant son with tears in his eyes. I thought that was the best ever. Sharing that moment with his son was adorable, and watching his son with his wide eyes checking out everything around him was so cute. It reminded me of how Michael takes in all of his surroundings, in new environments.

On Saturday, I made it over to Squaw Valley to get another day of skiing in. I am warming up to Squaw. It is pretty challenging terrain for me so on Saturday I decided to push myself and really try to get better. I fell 6 times and 3 of those times I had a yard sale! (A yard sale is when you lose ALL of your equipment). On "Tree Run 5" I lost it all and had to hike it back up the mountain to retrieve it. One of the falls was a collision with another skiier! It was probably both of our faults but since I was farther down the mountain than she was, I think it was her responsibility to see and avoid me. No one was hurt except maybe my confidence. But it was a fun day of skiing and I think I am actually getting better. On my last fall, I was close to the village and a guy behind me brought one of my ski's over to me and he said, "If you are not falling you are not getting better and pushing yourself." That made me feel better about my 6 falls. I guess next weekend will tell!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What are the chances?

This morning, on our morning jog, Michael was holding my water bottle. He likes playing with it. He was holding it over his head and I thought: well if it falls out onto the concrete I will just stop to pick it up. He is happy, I am not going to take it away from him. About 1.5 miles into our run, he launches it over his head and it went flying out of the stroller. There was no way I was fast enough to catch it.

He, somehow, timed it up so it went flying right into the sewer drain along the edge of the road. I am player? Maybe. I was impressed. What are the chances that he would throw out the water bottle at the exact time that we are passing a drain like that on the road. Slight.

In a split second I saw it go flying out of the stroller and into the drain, I looked down and it was long gone. I then thought: Good thing he was not playing with my wallet! (Which he does, on occasion - anything to keep him happy/occupied).

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An unexpectedly productive day

I tackled the "stuff" today. I know you have your "stuff" too. The piles of clothes you have been meaning to take to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. The books that you want to donate to the local library. Well, my piles had been sitting for a couple of weeks and every time I walked out into the garage, they stared up at me as another errand to run. One more thing to take care of.

So today, Michael and I needed to go out to get food for dinner. I looked down at my three piles of "stuff," I tossed it in the trunk of the car and off we went. First stop: the local library. Next: The Not New Shop on base. The Not New Shop is the Navy's version of Goodwill.

Check. And Check.

I don't know why these mundane errands can be so nagging and such a hassle, but they are. Once I complete them, I always feel better that I did. Maybe next time, I wont procrastinate it so much.

As I write this, Michael naps away. The playtime after his naps is always the most fun, my highlight of the day! For Christmas, his Aunt Kim and his cousins gave him this Ball Popper. It has been fun to see the progression of him playing with this toy. At first, he would just watch it. Then he began grabbing the balls off the ramp they circle around on. Now, he knows how to push the button to make the popper work and when he picks up the balls he puts them right back down the chute to get popped out again. All of this in about a week of playing with it. The little things in life are what make it so great!