Last Thursday was a busy day for Michael and me. Living in Fallon, it is feast or famine with things to do. We find ourselves either extremely bored with nothing on the calendar or a whole list of things we have to get done all in one day. Thursday was one of these busy days. Chris was arriving home from a work trip late on Thursday night. So I piled Michael and the girls (Lucy and Katie) in the car. We headed up to Tahoe to get the house settled and unpacked. Then around 3 pm, Michael and I got back in the car and headed down to Reno to pick up Chris. We always have to time-up longer drives for nap time, he loves sleeping in the car.
When we arrived in Reno we headed right for the mall. I, unfortunately, forgot my nice Maclaren stroller, so I ended up renting this blue buggy for Michael. Being the germ-a-phobe that I am, before putting him in it, I fully sanitized any surface that he would touch. It is a really nice service the the local mall offers. For $5, I rented this baby mover, and Michael loved it! As you can see in the second photo, he totally got the concept of driving it! I would try to turn the buggy in the direction in which he was turning the wheel. So we hit up Macy's (for make up) and Gymboree (for a new outfit for Michael's 1- year old b-day). It was a successful shopping trip! And now we know, if we forget our stroller in the future, the mall offers these rentals!
Our nice deed of the week: When we went to return the blue buggy, there was another Mom and her 2 year old son standing there. Clearly she wanted to rent one but did not have the $5 to do so. So we offered her ours. She was super appreciative, and we walked away feeling like we make another Mom's day a tad bit easier.
At 9:30 pm that night, we collected Chris at the airport and our family was one again. It was a well lived day.